a town called E.

By Eej

I've been around long enough to know that you can't always agree with everyone - nor can everyone always agree with me. I realise some of my opinions are a little much for some people and that's quite alright. There's this mutual silent agreement that certain subjects are off-limits with certain people and that works well, I think. If you can't say something nice, say nothing at all, that sort of thing.

But yesterday I shared a post from George Takei (for the non-trekkies; he played Mr. Sulu in the original Star Trek) on FB - about how happy he was with the steps taken towards freedom of marriage and I titled it: George and me, happy together. The people that were also happy liked my post, some commented.
After a while I noticed there was a comment from someone I was not expecting anywhere near that post.

Someone who should have clearly stayed away.

For a while I just stared, wondering how to interpret what was said. And then I realised that however I turned it, it was hurtful. Whether it was towards me, towards Mr. Takei, to gay people in general - it didn't matter.

I clicked 'unfriend'.

Today we went to the beach and I left all of the crap behind. And then Molly ran into me and almost took me out and now I have a bump the size of a baby-head on my leg. Which hurts.

I guess with so much going up, some things have to go down.

The tiny dots in the distance did not have a care in the world - I wonder if they even realised there IS a world, with how much they were into each other. Ah, young love :)

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