
I am having such a lazy day.
It's been a trying week and I don't seem to have had a minute to myself. I'm making up for it today with a day catching up with rubbish TV. Things which need to be watched while Mr K is out, for example Made in Chelsea, Home and Away, Dallas and Holby City
Well I say that they need to be watched when Mr K's out but he always seems to be remarkably au fait with what's going on and is always quite quick to "let" me watch them while he "reads" or "works" next to me!!!
My neck still hurts so I didn't go to Zumba this morning and I can't do housework so I'm on the sofa under the duvet drinking non-stop tea.
If I'm feeling a little more energetic later I'm going to have a marathon eBay photographing and listing session. Our current cash flow crisis has reached critical proportions and I need some pocket money so I can at least go for coffee without counting out the coppers.....
Anyone want a Phil and Teds double buggy?!!

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