A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Keep it under your hat

There are many, many reasons I love my friends and family. I'm trying very hard not to be as shallow as to rank exceptional present buying abilities as inappropriately high on the list but given the demonstration of talents in this area over this birthday period I'm struggling a bit to be honest.

Today this fine headgear arrived in the post - a combination of severe hangover (see yesterday) and an unconfident photographer (thank you anyway Carlos) mean this possibly doesn't show it off to its best but you get the idea. It certainly didn't pass the colour test but in case you're deeply interested the hat is navy. The buyers are blip lurkers so a big thank you to them.

Unsurprisingly today has not been the most productive I have ever had. Though I did manage to help our plumber move a bath downstairs and another one upstairs. And attend two work conference calls and contribute in a reasonably sensible and articulate way. And send an invoice and move money between bank accounts. And do an online food shop for delivery tomorrow. And put a wash in and out. And take J to football and shout a lot. Not to mention making (and drinking) approximagely a gazillion cups of tea. Actually now I think about it, I'm surprised at how productive it has been.

Now to feast on the restorative butternut squash and lentil curry the lovely Carlos has made and settle down with our latest fave TV series, White Collar. Making curry ranks quite highly up the reasons I love Carlos - I wonder if that is more or less shallow a reason than good present buying?

Lesley x

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