A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Crazy legs

Due to a piece of administrative incompetence of my own making I ended up booked into two Pilates classes today. I went to them both and at least in their favour they were very different and what one had in intensity was balanced by the calmness and lots of stretching in the other. Then I went for a run. In the rain.

I might be a little bit broken and I think tomorrow will not see a run. I believe the technical term is 'rest day'. Which is kind of a shame as this afternoon we bought me some gear so that I can go running in this weather and not completely freeze / get drenched to the skin. I might be the only person hoping for rain on Monday.

Now to get ready for an evening of dinner and comedy with friends - no pressure on them, we are going to an actual comedy evening. Though I suspect they will be good company too.

Lesley x

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