A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Off my head

I blame thank blame thank Kinda Horrigans - at this point can't decide*. It's Friday evening, dark, cold and raining and here I am half looking forward to going out running and half thinking I have completely lost the plot.

Now I am the other side of the run, a hot shower and have a glass of red wine in my hand in the comfort of my living room with the smells of a homemade curry wafting around I feel quite differently and am, of course, delighted I went. Though it does seem a little bit of an out of body memory. I listen to exactly the same music when I run and am wondering if I've actually created some sort of Pavlov's dogs thing.

The rest of the day was mainly in the house with the still sick boy, though did manage to get a reasonable amount of work done.

Happy weekends to all,
Lesley x

* of course now it is thank :-)

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