Blip #1313

This entry has a double 13, and it's Friday! Good job it''s not the 13th!

Thank goodness I'm not superstitious, otherwise I would have spent the day looking for a black cat or a 4-leaf clover!

I just need a bit of a fun blip today, no stress and pretty colours.

The Mother had a problem which involved me going to the surgery and asking for an antibiotic for her. Later I gave her Tinkerbell's ashes, which I collected yesterday and withheld due to the local tragedy which had a higher claim to attention in my contact with her.

The evening gave me a chance to give my neighbour and her daughter a big hug and apologise for not being there for them on Tuesday! Then I listened on the phone to another neighbour, traumatised by the events of the past few days.

Sad times, but a Blipjournal, done on an every day basis, has to encompass all emotion.

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