Lighting Up the Night Sky

Dear Diary,

Every year a friend and his wife host a Fourth of July party at their lovely old farm.  They've been doing it for years and years.  He puts on a marvelous show for us as we sit on lawn chairs at the edge of the field.  It was the perfect night for it last night.  Cool temperatures, clear skies, no wind and, thankfully, no bugs.  This is the first time in all these years I've tried to photograph the fireworks.

His farm, called The Maples, was built in 1832, nearly twenty years before my little farmhouse so it has a massive center chimney.  Mine has two end chimneys since by the time my house was built parlor stoves and wood cookstoves were all the rage.  I wonder what those old farmers would make of the fireworks display?  They would probably say, "It scares the cows."  

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