Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Shoot with whatever you have

I've been told that the best camera is the one in your hand and, while I don't always agree with that, I find that it's got some truth to it.  I'd have rather had my macro lens in hand for this shot, but I knew by the time I went up the hill, into the house, grabbed the other camera, and went back down the hill...the moment would have been missed.  So here you have a Great Spangled Fritillary taken with a 300 mm lens.  Overkill, to be sure.  But it's only the second frit I've seen in the yard this summer, so definitely worthy to be today's Blip.  

I had a busy day.  Took Hubs to pick up his rental car, then home to enjoy a leisurely call with mom and dad.  From there, headed over to see MIL and sit with her at lunch.  Her appetite has been poor lately and I hoped I might be able to get her to eat a little more.  Can't say that I was entirely successful.  Then off to pick up some paint samples for a room I'm getting ready to paint.  Then home to enjoy a nice long call with my niece.  Then, some this and that around the yard.  

And, of course, I also had to spend some time practicing my hummingbirds-in-flight shots.I was buzzed several times by hummies involved in high-speed chases and once by a young woodpecker for reasons unknown.  The little woodpecker's wings actually brushed my head, which surprised us both.  

I also made a most interesting discovery on one of my sunflowers.  So as to build some suspense, I'm not going to say what it is...but it may feature in tomorrow's TinyTuesday blip.  Just sayin'...

Missing hubs.  


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