Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

When Is Too Much Too Much?

For this month, si_b has proposed the theme for mono Monday as interpreting the seven sins and/or seven corresponding virtues of our choice. Last week I chose the humility of a less than full moon. This Curved-billed thrasher is taking more than his share of the orange. So today: gluttony.

Once again PVD has taken over an eye, this time the left one.  I drove home from lunch this afternoon while a thunderstorm threatened.  I couldn't tell whether the constant flashes were in the sky or my eye.  (Hint: They were in my eye)

This evening I received a written "first strike" from Green Valley Recreation (to which I pay about $500 in required annual dues), which is step 1 on my way to being thrown out of the Singles Club.  My sin?  'Spreading rumors of sexual harassment' by club members.  It's a long story but suffice to say I brought something to the attention of GVR staff and a club officer.  In an email, I have been informed that I have no right to speak on any other person's behalf (apparently even to paid staff).  Doing so is considered perpetuating a rumor mill and is 'disruptive to the club'.  I guess you can only advocate for someone, even when asked by them to do so, if you have a law degree.  What a freaking crock of sh*t.

When is too much too much?  
I've been trying to put lipstick on a pig lately.  
It ain't working. 
Day in, day out.

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