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'Oh, oH! OH!! That does it for me!' echoed ecstatically down the path deep in the woods and one would be forgiven for thinking if it were on radio that there was something dodgy going on. However one of the men touting a camera was obviously just thrilled at seeing this, it has to be said, rather tatty Purple Emperor. Trying not to giggle I tried hard to not listen to it all plus the constant stream of running commentary but no he then also insisted on giving camera directions to me! He didn't see the eye roll .........

This was all rudely interrupted by a couple walking  a dog who accidentally let the dog lead extend when trying to get a shot with their iPhone. The consequence being it flew. I in turn having been lain prone right across the hot dusty gravel path to get an eye shot got up to stares of utter horror. Well yes I must have looked a mess but they did apologise for frightening it off. They felt even worse when I told them I had a two hour drive home but they did ask.

Thanks to Mollyblobs for the heads up on this site, Fermyn Country Park near Kettering. Again though as at previous sites I found there weren't many Purple Emperors  around. I walked 10km zigzagging the paths meeting some really friendly people all on the same quest but only saw two all day.

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