The Brightest Lives

despite knowing
they won’t be here for long
they still choose to live
their brightest lives 
Rupi Kaur

I'm thrilled, normally my sunflowers get munched when they are but a few inches high. This year I have a dozen beauties all as tall as me, all enjoying the drizzle! For yes, we have had dampness - in fact there is a veil of mizzle as I write and it's actually very refreshing! And the salty water has been sorted thanks to J who has been inundated (!) with problems, and his own water shortage so severe (hungry cattle to feed) that he had to bore a new and deeper well. We're not sure how much we have but are being very cautious with consumption.

A lovely morning at TJ's and a cuddle with her new granddaughter who is tiny and delightful and everyone doing well.

Thanks to Ingeborg for keeping the abstraction going.

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