
By NellieD

Deeds Not Words

I called into the food bank I support with 527 nappies today, part of our offline sponsorship money from the Sleepout we did last week. They are now offering extra services to women who have recently had a baby, or are due to give birth, and were desperate for nappies so they could hand them out when they open on Wednesday.
When you hear that babies have come to them wrapped in tea towels as they couldn’t afford nappies, or that the women are using newspaper because of period poverty, all you can try to do is your own little bit to make a difference, however small.
Last year the food bank supported 30 women a month but that’s now increased to 30 women a week, with the increase coming from those who have had to flee a domestic abuse situation and those that have been rescued from sex trafficking.
The food bank is housed within the iconic Pankhurst Museum, Emmeline Pankhurst’s home for over 8 years and the address of the very first meeting of the Suffragettes.
When you walk somewhere all the time, you don't look at things with fresh eyes. However, yesterday the plinth for the new Emmeline Pankhurst statue was unveiled - only the second female statue we have in Manchester, apart from Queen Victoria - so perhaps it was on my mind to notice the sculpture today.
The light was a bit too bright against all the metalwork but since today is the one month anniversary of my blip journey, it felt like the right image to post.
The sculpture is quite crude but portrays such an important and far reaching event in history. 
Quote for today:
Deeds not Words!
- Emmeline Pankhurst 

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