A Plethora of Purple Hairstreaks

Another very hot day was forecast so I made an early morning visit to Bedford Purlieus, before the heat became unbearable. The main ride was fringed with an exuberant mass of Meadowsweet, Hemp Agrimony and Bramble blossom, which was attracting many butterflies, including plenty of Silver-washed Fritillaries and assorted whites. 

But I was more excited to see a small greyish butterfly sipping honeydew from a low-leaf - a Purple Hairstreak. Once I'd got my eye in I realised that they were all around - I must have seen hundreds over the kilometre or so length of the ride, and at some points I could see three settled at once. Mostly they were concentrating on obtaining sustenance, but every now and then one would bask in the sunshine with open wings. Quite a few were worn and weren't really showing the purple that gives them their name, but I did manage to catch a flash of purple on one individual (see extra).

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