Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb


As I stepped out the house this morning and made my way down to the river estuary, I was struck by the peace and quiet as well as the beauty of the new day.

As I looked at the view that unfolded before me, my thoughts turned to all those who have died in conflicts throughout the World in order that we can live in peace. While it is only fitting and proper for remembrance services to be held, many people will remember and reflect in their own private way. For me the peace and beauty of early morning is a good time to remember, although I also greatly valued the later church service of remembrance.

As I stood alone with my thoughts waiting for the sun to rise, long lines of clouds appeared above me from the west. As the sun hit them they turned an orangey/pink colour and reflected beautifully off the calm waters of the estuary. Looking at all the pink lines converging near the horizon brought focus to my own thoughts on Remembrance Day.

When I turned round the view to the north was equally splendid with the pinks and blues making an even greater contrast.

As I was leaving for the house 3 or 4 seals appeared in the river estuary in front of me, something I have never seen before. I didn't think they liked brackish water, although I later saw two of them further up the river. The seals were at play frolicking about and occasionally breaking the surface with a large splash. They too were enjoying a beautiful new day!

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