a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Doctor's Orders

Bristol Blip Meet at Bristol Zoo

Sirana the pigmy hippo was struggling to fit into her tutu.  Having to restrict herself to salad wasn't so bad,  but the minuscule portions they allowed her was frustrating... but she was going to get into the remake of Fantasia or die trying.

She has the most beautiful eyelashes, but confided that she wishes that she had remembered to shave this morning before the photoshoot.

Many thanks to Incredibish for organising today's blip meet at Bristol Zoo.  In keeping with the long established traditio of blip meets, having taken some quick shots (in this case of the lion's feeding time,) we adjourned for coffee time and a little smackerel of cake.  Trips to the gorillas, aviaries, meerkat enclosures, the tamarind lion monkeys and the seals all followed (if not necessarily in that order).

I found the gorillas particularly poignant - they are so closely related to humans it is painful to see them in captivity, although I understand the conservation argument and recognise that it very much brings home the impact of the deforestation of their part of Africa.

I've put up some extras from the day, but inevitably failed to take a group shot of my fellow blippers - hopeless! 

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