Mrs Happy

By Riwaka7

Here we go again

At least the sun was shining

I wanted a bright, happy, sunny, full of people and colour image to go with us all having been to see Mamma Mia, Here We Go Again but midwinter at the beach or even town just didn't have it. So I have gone completely opposite- a mono at the saltwater baths.

We really enjoyed the movie. Abba music is hard to resist and there were all the stars from the first one and some new blood too. We laughed and jiggled in our seats, although if we had burst forth into song and dance I'm sure nobody would have minded.They all wanted to I bet.There were several songs I didn't know and how they managed to work the good oldies into the story line was hilarious. Do go and see it for a bit of fun.

These baths are Old which fits the theme. Built in the 1930's.

Thanks BobsBlips.

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