The Dry

according to the weather on the BBC this morning, this is the driest summer since 1961! The driest in my lifetime! I took this photo on my way down to again attempt (successfully this time!) to collect the package containing my camera lens from the Sorting Office in town. It looks over the South Common from Pelham bridge, and you can see how desiccated the grass on the common looks! Gardens and grass verges around here are in a similar state.

I also saw on the news online yesterday that the potato farmers are predicting a shortage due to the weather, and that prices will rocket for fish and chip shops. Not good news!

As well as my lens I got Jae's main birthday present - a Nintendo Switch! 

Home now, and I've done some tidying up too. I don't intend doing much more today - I'm bracing myself for the energy-sapping furnace that will be work tonight!

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