Rolling, rolling, rolling....

All go again today. Phoned the contractor to come and sow the fodder rape/ stubble turnips . Usually I just mix the seed in with the fertiliser and spin it on with the spreader, then a heavy roll and job done, fingers crossed , it grows.
But took a management decision to drill it into the ground as the soil is bone dry and I reckon it has more chance of germinating that way. More expensive, but hopefully the correct decision !
A day spent baling silage again, wee brother on the wrapper, break it Bill carting in and let Kev loose with the mower.
I took over tonight and by 10 pm I had another field opened up ready for tomorrow.
Oh, and the place we bale straw at has started cutting winter barley just to add to the complications. Looked the straw but still too raw to bale but there isn’t a lot of straw full stop. This could be a very tight year feed wise as the spring barleys don’t look very long either.
Oh, and the crows have started on it too!
The joys !

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