Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Wet behind..

..the ears and the bath!

Well the plumbers have been here a lot of the day.  The leak behind the bath has been found and fixed (expensively, of course) and I now have to get water-damage quotes for the insurance company.  Particularly sad it had to be now as I had a ticket for the New Forest Show which I haven't been able to use :((

I got this shot of a juvinile blackbird a couple of minutes from home by the football ground.  As bird blips go there are better, but, as with the robins, I'm a total sucker for young birds still wet behind the ears and looking rather curiously at the world.  This one had big feet, very rumpled feathers and isn't that a wonderfully babyish cast to his face?

And about your lovely reaction to my last 2 butterfly blips?  I feel well and truly bowled over by your comments, hearts and stars.  Thank you.

Have a lovely evening xx

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