Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

...Showing some 'tude!

The usually placid white-breasted nuthatches have been putting on some impressive displays with one another recently and I've been trying to capture some of it. The problem is that the displays last only a few seconds and only occur when a second 'hatch gets too close to a prime feeding location. So, basically, you've got the have the camera focused on the right bird and the exact right time. Mostly, I get a lot of nice shots of nuthatches looking like ... well, nuthatches. Today, however, I got this shot - not perfectly focused but it meets my personal criteria of being one of "life's little moments." Hope you like it!

It was another gloriously warm fall day today and I was able to get out for several hours to enjoy it. Little Stumpy the Chipmunk also came out of his burrow to gather some seeds and enjoy the day. Notice that his tail is missing the last inch or so - my guess is that he escaped the same predator (read: cat) that Scar encountered.

I even got a close up of a a rather fearsome looking harvestman/daddy long leg spider. Don't click this link if you're wigged out by spiders!

Thank you for sending the little spotted ladybird to the spotlight! Having no special insight into the minds of bugs, I don't know if she was excited by her fame, but I was quite thrilled!

Tomorrow our weather is going to take a turn for the worse with rain and temps in the 40's. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted. There are still people in NJ without electricity, so I am hoping that the power companies can get them restored before the next cold spell.

Hoping you all have a great Monday!

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