Time for the Phlox

Dear Diary,

Thanks to our on again/ off again rainy week the garden is greening up and the plants are reviving a bit.  This is Phlox Season and they are beginning to bloom here in the dooryard.  Their appearance usually signals the return of the sweet Hummingbird Moths so I will be on the look out for them.

I am continuing to learn about my new camera, more by doing than reading the manual.  I've always done that.  I'm a visual learner so reading about how to do something doesn't work for me.  I have to just jump in and do it.  After I have a good feel for it, I'll read about what else there is to know.

People are moaning about summer being half over but I adhere to the Celtic seasons.  Fall begins on August 1st and I'm already seeing and feeling subtle changes.  There are weeks of lovely weather ahead before we need to break out the snow shovels, thankfully, but the plants and critters know.  I've seen some leaves beginning to turn, the Golden Road is starting to bloom and the Milkweed is about ready too.  Yes, like it or not, the wheel of the year is turning.

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