
In a field next to our allotment, which is where I spent a couple of hours today after the Archers had finished. I cycled up there with a large bucket if chicken food precariously balanced on my bike basket. Luckily it isn't far and there is very little traffic in the village. It was attempting to rain, so I wore my fleece and thin rain proof. Why? I was boiling so stripped off as soon as I started digging. As well as digging one row of potatoes up (small potatoes but the plants have died back completely so I thought it was time). The ground is still stupidly solid so I stopped after 1 row. My gardening book says they should be dug up September/ October, but I don't see how they can continue to grow if the plants have died.

I fixed the tarp that is on top of our water tank, as a funnel. It has been torn a bit in the wind. No one on the allotments (3 of us) have any water now. We all have one of those big water tanks, and different methods to steer the rain into it. But no rain, so no way to water anything. The mange tout have all died now too, but one courgette has some small fruit on it, so I'm hopeful there.

I then embarked on making a bigger run for the chickens. It had to have a top too as I can't risk them flying up and over on to anyone else's allotment. It took me an hour to rig up a bit of extra run, using the reclaimed table legs and a length of chicken wire. Then over the top I stretched the netting that had been protecting my veg. It took them a while to realise they could travel beyond their tiny run, but I left them happy once they realised. I need to go back with the red mite powder once the drizzle stops as I think there are some mites. This heat has been perfect for the horrible critters. While I was there Jon has worked hard on the cloakroom bit of the garage and has finished building the wall. He is so clever. It is coming together and he hopes to get more done this week. We need to buy floor tiles next. I'll go out and take another pic so that you can see, and add it to my extras.

We took the caravan back to the farm in East Runton after lunch. That has freed up the front so we can now move other bits about. When all the work has finished Jon had thought he might need to get a skip for the rubbish, although so far we have managed to get rid of bits at the tip and in the bins, so hopefully it won't be necessary. He took the cooker to the tip today so that's another job done.

We had a quick walk with the dog this evening and were pleased to see all three hens in their extended run. No escapees yet! Im going to take a chance that they will be safe from the foxes and keep my fingers crossed.

Home and started a bit of painting using my new easel. The easel is great...the painting is not, but it was relaxing.

Now just vegetating. Mollie made an inspired lasagne for dinner. It had okra and courgette as well as spaghetti because she ran out of lasagne sheets. We are all stuffed!

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