Time Travels

Went back to the medieval celebrations tonight, and well impressed; less so with my photographic skills of fast movement in low light; basically, upped the ISO to ridiculous levels, and still...

This is Pedro getting a photo with the Fool, who so insulted his wife last night that she actually got angry with her, and tonight was feeling quite chagrinned about it. The Fool was absolutely brilliant, here she is eating a slab of meat, stuffing it into her mouth, delighting the well-behaved Portuguese kids watching her. Later, she sat in the crook of a tree, loudly insulting all the contestants in the martial arts.

Couple of extras. The Moorish dancers, who also were amazing, especially when dancing with fire. There was a lot of fire about, an incredible guy, who juggled with rods of fire, and then breathed on then, making them flame up. All quite scary, considering the fire risk at the moment - but the volunteer firefighters were always on hand.

And the end of the duel between the guy who talked to us for ages last night, and his brother - amazing to watch their skill. And knights on horseback doing various challenges, including a beautiful, long-haired girl - reminded me of Lord of the Rings or the Narnia books. And archers, and the almost full moon, rising behind us, and the castle walls all lit up, and friends laughing. Wasn't difficult to imagine a bygone age.

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