Having Fun


None of us slept well.
A tame kestrel alighting near us, and almost climbing onto Mike's hand.
Morning on beach.
Couldn't swim because sea full of jellyfish, of various sorts.
The most beautiful, pearlescent shells, of all colours, pink and gold and purple and even almost black.
Raciones in Antilla, for lunch.
And a delicious coffee ice-cream.
Long naps, me in a hammock; we all slept heavily.
Off for a boat ride to Isla Canela, with prawns and local wine on the way, and loads of info about the largest port in Andalucia, and watching the sardine boats going out to sea for the night.
Watching the sun go down - that's the photo - quote on wall behind us: "Watch the horizon and cheer for all the good that's still to come!"
Back to our camp for sandwiches and laughs.
And now, herbal tea before, hopefully, sleep.

An excellent day.

- relaxing with these friends
- my Brazilian hammock, so good in the heat
- hot showers and cool breeze tonight

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