Rose Bushes

Over to the folks today. We all sat outside to begin with. Well, my Mum and I did, my Dad was trying to put a handle from a garden fork he doesn't use onto a newly acquired spade that he will use. He had to completely resize the handle, with a file and sanding block! Anyone from a  generation younger than his would not dream of faffing around like that and just go and buy a new handle!

The dog (Bubbles) is definitely not long for this World, I'm sure! She's not in any pain and they are just letting nature take its course. She's still enjoying her food and short "Walkies"! 

Once home, I relaxed for half an hour or so before heading off to Tesco to do the weekly shop! I took this shot of roses in a roadside flower bed just outside the Arboretum at the top, on Sewell Road.

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