Naples - Day 2

Today, we began very late, meaning past noon.  Breakfast was at 9 with our hostess, as usual, but we returned to our room afterwards where I finished post-processing yesterday's shots while AW and Nan hung around elsewhere.  Then we went to our 'favourite' travel agency, close to our B&B, and bought tickets for Line B of the Hop On Hop Off Sightseeing Tour, which meant a trip along the bay, or, rather, following the general area of the bay.  Naples used to be a kingdom which included other towns and villages (like Pompei) and Line B passed through the nearest ones.  We hopped off at Stop 6 for lunch, and it was a really good Neapolitan restaurant serving fresh fish.  The spaghetti was superb and the dessert was molto magnifico, but the best part was the staff and service -- they were so friendly.  After lunch, we hopped on again and when we got back to Naples proper, we explored the Garibaldi shopping area where someone was singing operatic arias in public, but that was just a short stroll, and then back to the B&B to cool off.  This was shot on the way back to Naples, while waiting for the lights to turn red.

Actually, before we even began the tour, AW and I waited for the bus by exploring the piazza just in front of the royal palace, which is now a museum (what else) while Nan chose to sit in the shade at the stop and fiddle with her phone.  After the tour, knowing she was not interested in it, we decided not to return there any more, but never mind as we've seen enough castles and palaces to last us for quite a while.

Back at the B&B, we started packing for our flight back to The Netherlands.  I have had a full and intensive month of touring and enjoyed myself immensely, and AW says the same about the times he was with us.  We are, in any case, both thankful and satisfied that 'our' portion of the trip (think pizza pie chart) went according to plan.

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