Through a darkly glass.

Yes, it's an 'emergency blip'! Produced of a spherical lens, my happy clockwork friend and the nightly bedside glass of water. And yet, perhaps there's some element of relevance in it.

Maybe I spent too much time processing all the photo's from yesterdays wander around UpFest in south Bristol. Flickr is your friend here, although mine certainly aren't the only or even the best shots of the day. In any case I didn't get around to taking a picture of anything today, until ten minutes ago...

But within this odd little collection I see things being turned upside down, and I see the amusement within chaos, and the way things can look differently depending on how, or through which lens, you look at them.

I see Facebook appears to be about to block cross posting from other venues such as WordPress but perhaps also from this place. Since in a personal basis my main interaction with Facebook is cross posting my blog and my daily blip it may be I won't be there much.

I don't see this as any kind of bad thing...

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