Gitama's World

By Gitama

A Corroborree of Honey Eaters

Beetle and I explored a new was sooooo noisy....we were thinking of moving to that area...I’m glad we didn’t.

It’s not a very interesting park but there were a lot of visitors.

The trees at the beginning of the park was full of bats......carrying on like fruit loops....I tried so hard to get some really good pics but they were too far away and in amongst the leaves....from the other side I got some pics of them all just hanging there like black mangos.

Then there was the flight of 100’s of Corellas screeching overhead...they just appeared out of nowhere and then disappeared just as quickly. I had to be careful of my shoulder as I got rather excited and had to be quick...alas it is still painful to hold up my camera.

Just as we were starting to turn back toward the car these guys burst out of the tree (there were actually a lot more of them than what I have posted here) and it sounded like they were having a good ole barney and making a racket. The tree was very tall so I cropped in a bit ...and well it is what it is...there was no way I could not post this rare sighting though.

It was lovely to get home for some peace and quiet....its a jungle out there.

Still no computer.....its been6 days but who’s counting?

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