Signs of things to come

No sign of autumn in the air in Norfolk yet but the recent rains have been enough to awaken the first of the coming season's flowers.  This Cyclamen hederifolium also happens to be in one of the places in the garden where direct sunshine is in short supply.  It's way ahead of it's friends.  This a plant reckoned good in dry shade - it's certainly had that this summer!

Another long, hot and busy day.  Good though.  Up early and out in the garden but by 9 it was too hot in the sunshine.  At Jacinta's suggestion I rigged up some shade on the patio using an old sheet which bought me some more bulb re-potting time.  This afternoon I popped to the allotment to check for caterpillars .... Grrr there will be no brassicas this tear if I cannot stop their attack .... and to water the essentials (carrots and butternut squash.)  After an early evening hospital trip the cool of the garden beckoned again :-)

A big thank you for all the Hearts and Stars for yesterday's milestone blip x

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