
A huge step forward. A leap! A successful launch and sail to Granton and all went spiffingly well. Shuge thanks to the SK who dropped me off at 8am and then delivered the son at 10am. I tell you I didn’t realise my old boat was quite so slow. What a joy! Round Oxcars light and onto a fine beam reach for the approach and entrance to the harbour. Happy doesn’t begin to cover it...
Later, a beer in the garden, boat back to the mooring (the boathook is too too short), and then up to see Escape at the Filmhouse. Ye Gods, what an awful film; Gemma Arterton’s acting ... plenty of her gorgeous face. Too much. What a ludicrous piece of self indulgent self pitying pish.
But then outside to the official opening of the EIF - Five Telegrams by Anne Meredith - totally stunning, both visually and musically. Yowza! A perfect end to a perfect day. Just need to get that boathook sorted.

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