

'Yurt – originally from a Turkic word referring to the imprint left in the ground by a moved yurt, and by extension, sometimes a person's homeland, kinsmen, or feudal appanage. The term came to be used in reference to the physical tent-like dwellings only in other languages. In modern Turkish the word "yurt" is used as the synonym of "homeland" or a "dormitory". In Russian the structure is called "yurta" (юрта), whence the word came into English.' (Wikipedia)

Bob blwyddyn rydyn ni'n cynnal encil mewn cae yn Swydd Amwythig. Rydyn ni'n defnyddio Yurt fel y prif le i ymarfer myfyrdod -   er i ni ymarfer yn yr awyr agored hefyd pan mae'r tywydd yn sych. Oherwydd bod rydyn ni defnyddio'r lle bob blwyddyn gwnaethon ni teimlo fel roedden ni wedi bod yna am oes ar ôl ychydig o oriau. Dyma'r lle, lle rydyn ni'n teimlo adre.

Every year we hold a retreat in a field in Shropshire. We use a Yurt as the main place to practice meditation - although we practice outdoors when the weather is dry. Because we used the place every year we felt like we had been there for a lifetime after a few hours. This is where we feel at home.

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