0508 - Quinto día de ola de calor

Fifth day of the heat wave. Apparently there's gonna be a 6th day too. Today and tomorrow max at 34°C. When we left with the dogs this morning at 6 am for our morning walk our thermometer outside said 26°C!

So up and out bit after 6 am and that's when I took this picture. At 7:45 I was at the beach. I had to wait for the sand cleaning to stop until I was able to leave my shoes and bag at the sand and go into water. Which was not a bad thing. It was so beautiful. Really good for the soul.

The heat wave hasn't affected us that much. The only time we feel it is when we go outside and try not to do that too much. Worst is the doggies afternoon pee. It's really hot but they need to go. Just 5 minutes outside and they are exhausted. The heat is really tiring. 

The good thing about the heat is that I've been watching movies which I haven't done for ages. I've really enjoyed them too.

Another good thing is that If I get some kind of craving  for anything, it's just too hot to walk to the store and I go without.

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