Journey Through Time

By Sue

Jewel Tones

The neighbor's roses have a bit of life left in them, so I wandered over to see if I could salvage anything out of the soggy blooms. The fallen petals made for an interesting jewel tone background for this yellow rose. I fussed with this a bit so that some detail would show up.

I went to the store today and I bought some peanuts for the outdoor pests pets, along with regular human food. I put out a few and I was hoping the Stellar Jay would come, but no...the squirrel bagged the bounty. I tried for a photo but it didn't come out very well. I think I need to have somebody look at my lens to see if it works okay, as I think I get too many photos out of focus. The lens might not be doing it's job all the time.

I had my lunch and watched "Castle", one of the other shows that I really like. The premise, for those who might not know, is that this writer is hanging out with the NYPD because he is a friend of the mayor and the mayor said it was okay. He gathers material for his books, helps to solve crimes and falls in love with the female lead detective. So, in the real world, ABC television has come out with the books that the Richard Castle character has written in the TV world. The real books look like the author is Richard Castle (Nathan Fillion) and treats it like these are his novels. They aren't of course. But I got one from the library and it's a pretty fun read...the characters are pretty much the TV characters, only with different names. Confusing.?..maybe. But, I'm having fun and that's all that is important, right?

And do any of you have favorite pet peeves regarding the proper use of a language? I have read that if, after many years of usage, an improperly used language rule will then become accepted into the mainstream even if it's not grammatically correct. I sure hope not, but I can't stop it. I hear this one ALL THE TIME and I don't know if I will ever get used to it. I have no idea why it makes my teeth hurt, but it does.

"Me and my brother went to the game."
"Yeah, me and my mom just love it here in Mexico."

Oh, and let's see how you like this one. This puts the two worst offenders into one sentence. This makes my teeth AND my head hurt. It's kind of like scraping fingernails on the blackboard.

"Yes, it's true that me and Bubba seen that flying saucer go straight over the house."

Every day, on TV, I hear that. EVERY DAY!

Feel free to correct my English skills. I have trouble with comma placement. I don't mind. 3[/s] 4 5 times now....:>)]

Have a great day, kids.....check in with you later.

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