
I STILL have several gourds left from my photography in July. This is a rather splendid pumpkin of gorgeous colour and texture. We're gradually consuming all the gourds. I think this one will make some decent soup.

Normally when using this posing table, I would set enough exposure to illuminate the whole object but I do like the chiaroscuro on this.

The clinic in Birmingham rang just before 8.30 am to say they had to cancel Len's appointment today. We were cross. I told the doctor or rather, medical researcher, that we needed time to arrange care for Basil. She'd phoned on Thursday afternoon to arrange for today's appointment and we'd only been able to make arrangements for Joy to dog sit Basil late yesterday. I said I realised that 'he's just a dog,' but we know how unhappy he gets at being left on his own for long periods.

It would be nice if I felt that she was sincere in her apology.

So instead of going to Birmingham, we took Joy with her dachshund Penny to St Joseph's Tea Rooms up on the forest, where we all ate fresh scones with cream and jam. Mine, naturally, were gluten free, and were delicious.

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