
By NellieD

Maremma Warrior Head V

When I was trying to find out more information about the creepy, faceless statue in Whitworth Park I saw on Monday, I read that they also have Emily Young's sculpture entitled Maremma Warrior Head V.

I didn't see it at the time, and because I only ever blip what I see that day, I headed back to the Whitworth at lunch today. With the aid of a map and after asking two members of staff for directions, I finally found the Alex Bertstein Garden - a completely hidden, tranquil space that I may now visit with my lunch and a good book!

Since I always like to find out information about what I see, I googled Emily and found out the following:

In 2011, she moved her studio from London to an empty semi-ruined monastery on a hill-side in Italy, a few hours from Rome, where she had lived as a child. 

Working with the local stone, a brecchiated quartz, the carved heads come from her own pantheon of human characteristics; warrior, poets, lost angels, the silent and the silenced. They are the embodiment of sensations not seen, but felt and known.  

The heads embody the frailty and quickness of human life, against the backdrop of the slow inexorable magnificence of stone and it's creation in the history of the Earth, and the Universe (no less): the joy of beauty, in all its forms, which is part of being human, in nature, and the seemingly infinite distress caused by being human, in nature.

Her show at the Fine Art Society in London comprised of 10 heads, one of which is now at the Whitworth.

I would imagine very few people stumble across this sculpture as it's completely off the beaten track. This is why I have fallen in love with Blip, one encounter leads me to another beautiful encounter and an ever increasing love of sculpture and statues that I never knew I felt.

Quote for today:
And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. 
- Roald Dahl


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