Outdoor Rug

It seemed better than refinishing the deck
It wasn't very expensive so I figured, why not?
The air outside is heavy,  abrasive,  murky.
Most of the birds seem unphased, but I've seen quite a few dead woodpeckers.
We fill bowls everywhere with water for the wild creatures.
I'm about ready to get a stock tank for the deer
It feels almost biblical...what did we do to deserve this?
The weight lifted a bit when the news this morning was 50% containment of the Mendocino Complex Fire.
I cannot imagine what hell those firefighters are going through.
Brave, crazy, heroic...all of them.
The weight was lifted a bit more when I had a relaxing facial,
and Gail gave me some antioxidant serum for my skin
To combat environmental stresses.
I wonder if I can drink it?
Wine will probably do just as well....
Forgive my whining.
We are still among the lucky ones....

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