It's a Stretch

This little devil has been bedeviling OilMan for months. He at every leaf off every pepper plant, went to work on every leaf he could reach on the big abutilon that hangs over the deck. OilMan follows him around filling in holes and tunnels with rocks and cement, but all he does is dig another tunnel.
Today we watched him pluck olives off the ornamental olive bushes that line our driveway. As they are ornamental, they aren't supposed to have fruit but they do. Some years more than others. Last year this fellow took up residence underneath these very bushes when they were loaded with fruit. Apparently he likes it, for he's settled right in....Undoubtedly he has a large extended family living under there too....

We located Jorge last evening. It wasn't too difficult since he also works next door. He is once again set to sand the deck tomorrow, although I'm not sure how we're going to move the remaining bits of furniture. It's funny how these simple projects seem to expand into major ones at an alarming rate....

The 'wooden leg' OilMan has been complaining of appears to be some kind of disk impingement on a nerve in his back. He is supposed to avoid sitting and practice 'impeccable' posture for the next few weeks while it heals. He has interpreted 'impeccable posture ' and avoiding prolonged sitting as a nap....

Not being a napper myself I'm just bored....

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