Abstract Thursday - Fractal

I hunted around all day for a fractal pattern to jump out at me. Nothing did except a stunted daisy which didn’t have the impact i was hoping for!

When i eventually got home tonight i thought of my dandelion seed ball collection and thought they probably produced a fractal pattern, but no. In the process of finding them i found my spiral shell collection ( only five shells, still a way to go) and i was pretty sure that spirals were fractals.

I did some research and it took me off into all sorts of directions and in the end i think a spiral shell like this is a fractal. Hope so, anyway i put it in with some of the dandelion seed balls and ended up with this kind of interesting, kind of abstracted fractal thing ;;o)).

I’ve used all my time and must now go to bed because its late and also freeeezing at 7c but according to the weather app if feels like 5c and i agree with that brrrrr!!!! It’s been raining and hail stoning on and off all day and tonight and i have so many clothes on i can hardly move!!! :o)

Nighty night blippers xxxx

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