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By Letters

Lost Teddy

For years I have listened to the internet guru's telling me that print is dead, the paperless office has arrived and we will all soon have implants which will link us to information feeds.
My long departed friend Nigel predicted that in the future we would all be sitting in our own separate and personal space typing to each other rather than interacting in a more personal and face to face way. He lived in the early internet days of bulletin boards and servers the size of small towns, staffed by vast armies of technicians which were the preserve of either the military or academia.
Somewhat disturbingly, Nigel once told me that the television set is a two way portal. If you can see programmes on it then the programmers can see you! I have thought long and deep about his profundity and have come the conclusion that I am not sure. Even if he was correct, I wonder why anyone would want to climb up my gable wall and stare into my satellite dish in the expectation of seeing me staring at the news about Miss Simpson (61) of Newington, Edinburgh who seemingly took a train trip between Inverness and Wick last Friday and in doing so lost her Teddy Bear. Seems it fell out of her bag and she is missing him dreadfully.
He is described as being light brown, 6 to 8 inches high with a red ribbon around his neck. Well travelled, the bear was given to Miss Simpson 49 years ago by her now departed mother and has "immovable arms and legs" so I am guessing the falling out of the bag theory may be correct.
This led me to wonder how common losing your Teddy Bear actually is. Now with print media you might have a problem. The local library are unlikely to have much in the way of books on "losing your soft toy" or "experiential grief after toy loss on trains". You could contact your local paper and try to persuade a friendly investigative journalist that the way for him/her to become the next Maxwell is to pursue the story using all the resources available but that is likely to fall on deaf ears. I suppose if you are very rich in time and money though, you could research the topic using academic libraries or by doing surveys.
A simple search this evening on Google using the search term "lost teddy" indicates that lots of folk lose toy bears each year in many countries and that often the police often get involved. There is even a website dedicated to the topic of replacing lost soft toys.
I hope that Miss Simpson (61) of Newington, Edinburgh is re-united with her lost travelling companion very soon.

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