The Life Of Ponty Cyclops

By pontycyclops

Take A Bow

Just realised I haven't taken a blip photo today, so you get a blip of what is before me. Before me is a can of Strongbow and a load of packed boxes.

We have one week left here, it still seems a bit odd! Dawn is out at work, I am home alone and having a bit of a bachelors evening. This involved a couple of hours in the pub, a dominoes pizza, darts on the tele and a can of 'bow!

We were up early and in Hirwaun by 8am for a RCT business club spotlight networking meeting. I had to give a two minute talk, which I wasn't expecting, and I blabbed my way through my changes blog I put up on our website. It was extremely nerve wracking. I have no idea why I get so wound up talking to a room full of people! I want to enjoy it! It was worth the trip for the experience alone.

Sorry it's a bit of a rubbish blip tonight, but it's going to be a bit like this for the next week!

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