I'm a black-capped chickadee...

...but I'm a friendly sort of fellow, so you can just call me "Chick" for short. And that's no joke. I'm well-known for my friendliness. I like people, and if they bring me sunflower seeds or peanut chips, I really like them. There are a few people in the park who will put a little pile of seeds on the back of some of the park benches. Trust me, it doesn't take long for my buddies and me to find them. The competition is pretty keen though. Those pushy blue jays and aggressive nuthatches practically push me off my pins to get at those seeds. On the other hand, there are the cardinals. I don't know any birds that are more patient than cardinals. When someone spreads out a pile of seeds, they perch nearby and wait and wait and wait for their turn to fly in and have a meal. No fast food for those bird. None! Nada! Never! They wait their turn, but once they can claim a spot by the seeds, there's no budging them. They eat until they are satisfied. At least most of them do, and I don't mind sharing with them because they aren't pushy or greedy. Oh, and let me tell you a few more things about myself. I "talk" a lot. Some people think I'm just chirping, but that's the way I talk, ya know. I like to let people know when I am around because maybe then they will hold out some seeds in their hands. That's the best! Most birds wouldn't dream of landing on a person's hand to take a seed. Eughh! Bad idea, they think. And I'm glad they feel that way because I'm not afraid, so I can get all those seed for myself. I like it when people do that. I especially like that lady in the red jacket who brings me seeds and takes my picture. I like her so much I have even landed on the end of her camera, just to make her happy! I've heard her say she likes to blip birds, so she must be a blipper, and blippers must be really special people. I did tell you I like to "talk", didn't I? Thanks for listening and I'll see you soon.

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