From Chrysalis .....

... to beautiful butterfly!

Our first chrysalis is now a butterfly!  How exciting is that!?!?

As I mentioned on yesterday's blip (just posted today!) we noticed that the chrysalis was darkening up and getting transparent .... as the upper left picture shows. When Richard was leaving this morning shortly before 7:00 am he told me that the chrysalis was even more transparent and you could see the butterfly inside .... upper right picture.

I got up then and took some pictures then went back up stairs to have my coffee.  I returned not long after to find the butterfly had eclosed (or emerged)!  I really wish I could have seen it happen! But we currently have four more chrysalides and several more caterpillars ... so maybe I will see it happen someday soon. 

It really is an amazing process that these cats/butterflies go through .... from caterpillar to chrysalis to this beautiful male monarch butterfly! And I'm so thrilled to be a part of his life!

I have finally found the time to process and catch up on all my blips from this past week.  If you are interested .... please have a look starting here.  And I apologize once again for getting behind on everything blipfoto related!

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