Brig o' Dee

The excitement today was I got my car back from the body shop. Looks like new again, it is even clean for once. In exchange I left them with my courtesy car. It was a like for like replacement, but somehow it never quite felt the same as mine. It was even a different colour!

Having collected my car I drove gingerly back to the city and went to the supermarket. Stocked up now for a couple of days. I then went and had a look at the river behind the supermarket. I have never been to the river at this location previously.

I fairly quickly discovered this was not a particularly wise decision. Although the river is signposted and there is a path worn through the undergrowth it was very muddy and slippery. Not a place to go in normal shoes. At the first place I stopped I was close to the river but I could not get a view of the bridge as there was a tree in the way. My second attempt as above there were no trees but I am a short distance from the river. In any case I decided I had enough mud for the moment and so returned to the car park.

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