
By TBay

Oh the irony!

So this is Pip lounging on my cushion, the message on which is No Dogs Allowed!! So I suppose this proves that all my attempts to get her to read have failed! However I can gain her attention at half a mile if I unwrap any sort of chocolate or biscuits! I suppose that says it all.........

Farming- Chris was on holiday as his new hens arrived today. The other two were on compost hauling. Mr Tbay Jnr and Raymond were out putting in a new gate and posts for a local farmer.

Today has been an office day trying to finalise the annual accounts. Not too much more to do now. However I have now learned that as of next year the VAT return can only be done digitally so it’s a good thing that we now do our accounts on an approved digital system. More things to learn for next year!

Mr Tbay was busy with his Bath and West hat on meeting the other Judges of the Prince of Wales Award.

Mrs Tbay Jnr is now well into her preparations for her forthcoming holiday to the Dominican Republic. She leaves on Thursday and little Miss is quite beside herself with anticipation! I fear the flight may be a challenge with both her and Harry!

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