Salvage from the Wreckage

By NickMogToo

Astounding Sounds and Amazing Stories

Work consists of wading through treacle at the moment.

Today I summoned up my nerve and stiffened my sinews and replaced the Audi’s radio for one that would play CDs without skipping and MP3s at all. This involved a conversion harness. Which itself needed converting. And an aerial amplifier. And taking more of the car to bits than you would think in order to find a switched live feed - the standard radio uses signals from the onboard computer to tell the radio when to turn off.

The hardest bit was finding room behind the dash for the plethora of plugs and sockets.

Oh, and a new toy arrived in the week - a new Swiss Army Knife. Used all of the tools in the first day. The TT shouldn’t limp now I’ve taken the stone out of its hoof.

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