Capital adventures

By marchmont

Boring blind

Up at 6.15 to pack and get ready for a few days away. Got quite a bit done at work. It was less manic, quieter.
Then back to the airport. I am definitely a grumpy old woman and one day I'll share my rant about the lunacy of airport security. 'You have a yoghourt in your bag, can you take it out'. 'No I don't'. (don't even like yoghourt!). Well we've seen you have liqiuds in your bag, if you take them out I won't have to search your bag'. 'Well I can't because I don't gave liquids in my bag'. So then she proceeds to take everything out of my bag and search all my bits and pieces in microscopic detail - even opening my Blackberry case. Room for a lot of liquid there. 'You don't believe me, I don't have liquids in my bag'. 'It's not that, we can see a yoghourt'. Bizarrely she didn't ask me to unwrap and open the large box containing the birthday present and took my word for what it was. And of the end if this pantomime she had to accept I had no liquids in my bag - and that 'yoghourt', a rather bashed, bruised and squashed Discovery apple. Mad. But a really good job creation scheme.
Luckily my flight to Southampton was uneventful, once Flybe had worked out which gate we were leaving from.
And so to a great evening with friends, celebrating being tigether again and my house!
After all that all I could manage to blip is the blind in my 'pub with rooms' room.

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