Replica of the First Airplane Flown..........

     This is a replica of the plane that the Wright brothers flew.  By this time, the brothers had figured out, that to fly off the huge sand dunes was not a reliable source of wind, even though it blew all the time.  Upon returning home, for the winter,  the brothers created a wind tunnel that they tested many of there theories.  Exacting records of their work were kept.  They were so accurate, that the numbers of lift to weight, angel of banking, how the wings had to dip for turns, how speed for lift, per pound, how the wing need to bend...  or to drop an aileron for banking, drag, it's effects by degrees......  the brothers were able to document all of the basic principles of flight, in one year,  that are still, used today.
     This replica shows a rail that the plane slid down to achieve enough speed to generate flight.  The speed was generated by an aluminum engine that, I believe Orvil and a mechanic developed that was light, could spin two propellers and eventually, carry 2 men in flight.  The first extra shows that engine.  The propeller was another challenge that the wright brothers faced, and you can see the original design that the allowed the prop to dig and pull air, with the appropriate curves, to generate speed for lift.
     The second extra shows Wilbur laying on the wing where he positioned himself to hold 2 sticks that controlled the plane in flight.  The rudders for steering were another challenge that was they also worked on.
    I wondered how all of this was known...  well...  there was a photographer present who was learning how to take photos of the experiences.  Many of the plates weren't developed until the winter after the experiments were completed.
     I know there is more that I heard, that I am not remembering at this point...   But, I did walk away with a sense of tremendous awe at these men.  They were very committed to one another and were known to repeatedly hold fast to their faith and belief in each other.  That bond carried them through many failures, learning experiences, brain storming sessions trials.  They were known to each take a position and passionately, civil, argue their side, then they would switch sides and argue the others points.  Through this process many problems were solved, new ideas generated, problems worked through to their final conclusion.....
The First Flight at Kitty Hawk!
The last extra is an example of the sand dunes where the brothers were throwing themselves into the wind to try to fly.   They are huge, and the  wind blows...........  those are people, families on the top of the dunes!

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