The Wild Ones

This was one chaotic photo shoot, I assure you. We wanted to do part 2 of the Meet my friends-series, this time with those of my friends who usually spend their time in the wild. They turned up from everywhere, wrestling for good spots. Pandemonium. This is the final result.

From the upper left: my nighttime buddy Voffis, who is a dog and not wild at all but decided to photobomb claiming he is “wild at heart”. Behind him, poor Tigger who is a black and white, sweet-tempered tiger with “I love you” printed across him tummy. Mum rescued him from a bin somewhere. Me. My teddy bear Lewis, whom I got for my fourth birthday. He is soft and fluffy and named after my best friend Dolly’s bear. Behind him a Santa Snowman found his way into the mix. Not even an animal...

Lower left: Polaris the polar bear. He has a cool cape and has traveled across the Atlantic Ocean at least twice. Ursa on his paw means bear, because he is named after a star in the Ursa Minor constellation. Hedgehog, who is one of my favourite friends to carry around. He is soft, thankfully.

The three flat ones are Foxy, Giraffe and Racoon. Racoon was my very first Christmas present and he is still in one piece. Rupert and Wolf were also originally Dolly’s. They are adventurous explorers through and through. They keep reminding me we need new adventures soon.

CoolJean the Fox is one of my bed buddies, and he came all the way from Japan! William the Wild is a wild boar who hitchhiked from a Viking village in Denmark. He is my toughest friend.

My newest friend Ali the alligator had gone AWOL so he’ll be in part three.

Part One: Things With Wings

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