
I decided for a change that I would pick up a crochet hook and see if I remembered how. I seem to have what’s perhaps a repetitive strain injury in my left thumb and it really hurts when I’m knitting. Which is a great pity because I love knitting when I’m watching TV!

I was recently given a set of crochet hooks by an elderly friend. So I got one out and had a go. I don’t think I’ve crocheted anything since I was a teenager, which is a VERY long time ago. I shocked myself that I remembered how to do it and was able to create this simple granny square. Maybe working on a big blanket would be a good winter’s project.

It rained ALL day today. Which was actually quite nice as we’ve had so little for so long. And the farmers need it desperately. It was cosy inside (though cold, and I actually put the heating on!). This was about the ONLY picture I took all day - taken to send to my sister who is the crochet queen in our family. It met with her approval, I think, and will have to do for my blip today. A simple, rainy day blip. If it grows into anything bigger I will update later.

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