Man At Work

The Rotherham contingent arrived safely.
As did PD (who wasn't actually meant to be with us today - but Mrs H really needed some 'Me' time).
PD had been to the vet for treatment to his ongoing foot infection so he only got an mile walk at lunchtime.
No1 son joined us and he was telling me that he is going to be applying for a new job - one which will get him out of acting as a carer (which he likes, but doesn't pay well) and into what he did his degree in (Environmental Education)…….if he gets it.

After dropping PD off No1 son and I headed off to a local nature reserve (that I had never been to) which is meant to be great for dragonflies and the likes. It took a bit of finding and walking to - which is probably why it is meant to be good. Conditions were not good though - cloudy and windy. We spotted (well, he did and pointed them out) a few but all flying in the 'away' direction.
There were quite a few mushroom species including this nice bright one and this blue one neither of us have ever seen before.
I was quite pleaded to get the fly sharp considering how everything was blowing about.

On the way home I dropped No1 son off at his sister's house where he was being joined by our little ray of sunshine and Butterfly.
Apparently the three kids played well together while the adults chatted.

Butterfly was allowed a wee bit of screen time before bath and bed.
I am now off to find some of the missing entries in my Blip journal in response to my e-mail about the subject.

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